miercuri, 14 decembrie 2011

What are some (if any) low carb foods I can eat at PF Changs?

by Cam Switzer
Question by D D: What are some (if any) low carb foods I can eat at PF Changs?
I'll be going there this weekend, I really like their food. BUT I'm in Phase 1 of a low carb diet.
What can I eat that won't throw me off track?

Best answer:
Answer by StacyIt's a great idea to plan ahead. Here are some of your options. Enjoy!

Northern Style Spare Ribs (730 cal/55 g fat/0 g fiber/6 g carbs)
Seared Ahi Tuna (312 cal/11 g fat/0 g fiber/21 g carbs)


Rice Cereal for Infants

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