sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2011

Why does Special k cereal say one cup is 120 calories yet in parathesis it says 1.1 oz?

by Newbirth35
Question by HealthyNutSmile4theCamera: Why does Special k cereal say one cup is 120 calories yet in parathesis it says 1.1 oz?
Why does Special k cereal say one cup is 120 calories yet in parathesis it says 1.1 oz?
Are you then eating about 300 to 400 calories in one cup of Special K cereal?

Best answer:
Answer by Kkummm i dont know i cant have that cearl but im prettty sure no i think that hole box go on my diet im allergic to wheat flour you loose a lot of pounds


Rice Cereal for Infants

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